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Saturday, June 20, 2009

ECB Official Faults New EU Regulation

ECB Official Faults New EU Regulation

(Source Wall Street Journal)The European Union approved a compromise plan Friday to create new financial regulators for the bloc, but a senior official at the European Central Bank that would head the new effort said the plan allowed too little power for the regulators to act.

The EU would set up a European Systemic Risk Council for the bloc, headed up by the president of the ECB. But, largely due to pressure from the United Kingdom, the body would only be advisory. Final decisions on financial-sector rescues would rest with the national governments called on to fund them.
The ECB should have "the possibility to act," Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, a member of the ECB's Executive Council, said Friday, addressing a conference in Milan.

Under the plan approved Friday by the bloc's 27 leaders at a summit in Brussels, the Risk Council would have "the powers to make recommendations but not to implement policies directly," he said.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who has pushed hard for greater regulation in response to the financial crisis, told reporters at the summit that he expected the proposed council to acquire greater powers over time.

"We've created a new EU institution from scratch. ... We could have gone further, but I believe that it will widen [its powers] through experience and practice, the way it's always happened," said Mr. Sarkozy. EU institutions and policies have often begun small and gathered powers over time. Read Article...
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