President-elect Obama surrounds himself with pragmatists instead of idealogues
It looks like Barack Obama is planning to govern from the center-right of the Democratic Party.
He will probably ask Robert Gates to stay on (for a year or so) as Defense Secretary as well as some of the more seasoned troop commanders like Gen. James L. Jones, the former NATO commander as National Security advisor. This is not confirmed!
This might not be a bad idea as long as the Iraq and Afghanistan situation continues.
With Tim Geithner as Treasury Secretary and Larry Summers as Senior Economic Advisor it looks like the best of both worlds.
And with Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State he gets somebody with a star like quality, a good inside knowledge and very powerful influential friends. She will get, however, a very challenging task, to restore trust and confidence in America and upgrading its status in the world is no minor job.
(Trendsbridge Team Comment: It's a well-known strategy. He does the same as in his time with the Harvard Law Review, he looks for the best people to do the job.)
U.S. / Politics (New York Times Permalink)
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